Monday, September 17, 2007


This past weekend, the whole program took a trip to Stratford-upon-Avon. We were put up in Bed and Breakfasts and therefore, got the opportunity to sleep in very pastel/floral rooms and eat a full English breakfast each morning. It was a delightful experience! Please note the picture of my roommates and I drinking tea in our room- lovely. Stratford-upon-Avon is known for being the home of William Shakespeare. So, we got the grand tour of the town and saw all the important sights to Shakespeare's life.

One of the highlights for me was seeing the Royal Shakespeare company (see cheesy picture with "RSC" sign-- haha) perform the play "Twelfth Night." It was a funny show and very well done. A surprise was that John Lithgow (from the 90s show "Third Rock from the Sun") played one of the main parts! Stratford really was a nice little town to visit. It was so good to get out of the city for a weekend. I am not made to be a city girl!

In addition to seeing Stratford, we also made a short trip to see Warwick Castle, which was very cool! Part of the castle was 1000 years old! We were able to climb towers, view creepy wax figures of past residents, and there were gorgeous gardens to wander through. The rolling countryside in England was lovely as well. It was so nice to see farms, fields, and sheep again! We also took a stop in the university town of Oxford on the way back to London.
Our director, Eric, keeps reminding us that London is NOT England. I know what he means by that now after being out in the country and coming back home to the metropolitan, busy "Big Smoke." It was a great weekend away and a wonderful chance to see more of England and build relationships with others in the program. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading!


Unknown said...

oh Ames! A castle! Just like Christy!!! and a b & b!! I'm desperately jealous! Sigh......I miss you....if you ever meet anyone named Alauna its my friend from crown who's over there...she said she'll be in the area.....would be cool if you bumped into her...(even though it isn't probable)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

You are living the dream there my dear! Isn't stratford just breath taking! Did you go to Trinity Church as well? There are so many famous people buried there! I just learned that the first famous woman playwrite is there along with shakespeare! And...12th Night just happens to be my favorite Shakespearian play EVER! Jelous that you got to see the RSC do it! Was it not breath taking as well? I saw them do Romeo and Juliet! It's what they call "Holy Theatre," so beautiful that there isn't words to describe it! I'm glad that you got the "English Breakfast" experience and I hoped you loved your bed and breakfast! Let's stay in a B&B on our graduation trip! I'm glad that you're making new friends and I'm sure the accent is no problem for you now! You are missed, dear friend. I keep on seeing girls on campus that look like you, then I remember that you're not here! Go on a walk with God today. Blessings, Britta

Unknown said... me after 5:30 then....gosh.....grrr.....

If i miss your next call i'll die
loove you...

Anonymous said...

It is so great to read about all the great opportunites you are having out in London! Oh how I wish I could visit you! I hope you are enjoying every moment!
Much love,