Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Church Chapter

I have found a wonderful church here in London to attend! I was looking forward to going to many different churches during my stay in London, but since I have found Westminster Chapel I just want to go there from now on. The people are so welcoming and my first time there the younger greeters even told us (Leah and I) where to sit so we would be with the rest of the young people. The service reminds me a lot of my home evangelical free church. I recognize most of the contemporary songs that we sing, though because of the English accent the song "I stand in awe of you" sounds more like "I stand in awer of you." I really enjoy worshiping with the people here. Even though I am living in London, I still don't get a lot of real, meaningful contact with British people. After attending church a few times and the Wednesday night service for people in their 20s, I feel like I actually could call a few of these Londoners my friends!

I really felt at home at Westminster Chapel on Sunday when the Vandon House group stayed for the meal after the service. Every Sunday the church serves a noon meal for £3 (about $6). Since we were new to the church, our group was offered vouchers to eat for free! (How could we pass up free food that we didn't have to make ourselves??) It was delicious lunch of potatoes, beef stew, and cold rice pudding for dessert. I offered to help clean up afterwards and had a great conversation with an older gentleman while we put away dishes together. He is originally from Ireland and it was a good thing we got to talking because I am traveling to Ireland (Dublin area) this weekend! He was able to give me some pointers and places to see.

Something I've noticed about British people, especially those I have met at church: When they find out I am American they always ask where I am from in America. About half the time when I tell them "South Dakota," they actually have an idea of where that is! Now, if I were back at home in the US and met someone from England, I would never think to ask what part of England they are from, because I know squat about UK geography. I've noticed this in topics like politics as well-- British people know tons more about America than Americans know about Britain. In reflection of this point, I wonder if being American makes me so focused on my country that I forget about the rest of the world. One of my goals in coming to London for a semester is to become a better global citizen, so I hope to learn to think out of the "American-box" while I am here.

Oh, and I forgot to mention one thing! Westminster Chapel is located only a few doors down from Vandon House! It's amazing how God works in situating such a vibrant, Christ-centered church only a block from a houseful of American students!


Unknown said...

hmmm, well if that wasn't a kick in the pants i don't know what is....

I miss your ness....

call me gosh darn it....or is there a way i can call you? grrrrr i want to talk to you sooo badly....:( And this post makes me miss you even more!!! I miss dancing to "Up from the grave he arose (he arose)" with you....i guess i'll have to settle for Sarah twin....sigh

I'm so glad you're able to find a church that you love... what a blessing that little church must be! Its darling by the way:)

Say hello to your old gentlemen friend for me!

Anonymous said...

Hey Babe!
I'm so encouraged that you are so happy at your new home and church. Mad that you're currently in Ireland! I popped by Bekah and Kim's yesterday and Bekah said she went to Ireland this weekend too! I talked to Heather Wastell on the phone the other night. That was so soooo good! I miss all my gal pals that aren't here with me! I saw Lisa in the caf yesterday too, she looks so much like you in her little sweaters! She asked me if I wanted her shell earrings and I was like "yeah!" I talked to Trista on the phone last night, I was calling home and she answered! She's not liking school as much as I thought, but first semester freshman year is always hard. I'll email you her address, you should send her something if you get time! She'd love it! I went with a bunch of people to Hemmingway's last night... If anyone offers to buy you an Irish Car Bomb- pass. I found a wine that I really like though- Reislin (spelling?) it's white. Also I've been addicted to a recipe I found in my cookbook lately: sliced apples, cinnamon and 1 Tbsp of brn sugar per apple, fill the pan 1/4 full with water and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. You could add some butter and corn syrup to make it carmelly if you wanted... haven't tried that one yet. But it's really easy and good so I thought you'd like it! I've got a few other recipes that I'll send later! Love you!

Anonymous said...

That's great that you found a church to go, and close to where you live! And you went to Ireland? Hope it was a good trip--I think that was my favorite place I went last semester.
