Monday, November 5, 2007


Ahhhh, a sunny day walking the streets of the ancient city of Pompeii! A quick trip from our base in Naples brought us to the entrance of the uncovered ruins. Mt. Vesuvius, the volcano that erupted and buried the city in 79 AD, loomed in the horizon as Leah and I explored the city. It is much bigger than I had anticipated! And they are still uncovering parts of the ruins! It was so neat to see how the people of 79 AD would have lived and worked. The city contained just what a city should: houses, temples, government buildings, a bakery, a theater, and much more. Many of the floor mosaics and wall paintings are still intact and surprisingly full of vibrant color. I think my favorite thing was seeing the street stepping stones that I have read about. The stones are placed across the deep streets so citizens could walk across without stepping onto the dirty streets. I really enjoyed our relaxing stroll through Pompeii. Even though the idea of a city being covered in ash and lava is pretty morbid, it is so interesting to see Pompeii now.

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