Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving UK Style

Happy late Thanksgiving friends and family! I hope you had a grand day eating turkey and sitting around a table full of family. Though the Brits do not celebrate Thanksgiving, our program directors were not going to ignore the fact that the 54 Americans living in Vandon House still did. Each of us took a part of the process to get lunch on the table. I was involved in the cooking on Thanksgiving morning. And yes, I wore an apron that said "Burt's Butchers" on it. In total, over 80 people attended the lunch which included students, visiting families, and a few of our professors even came. It was really fun to look down the long table and and see everyone chatting and eating and laughing. Not quite Thanksgiving at home, but it was the best alternative I could have hoped for!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got turkey. That sounds like it was really fun!

Unknown said...

Aww...that sounds like fun! I'm jealous....

My thanksgiving was the best I've had yet...only one problem...no stuffing :( my mom's stuffing didn't turn out so we couldn't eat it....and i'd built it up so much to angie so she was disappointed to.. but the turkey was yummy

have a good week!