Monday, November 5, 2007


The last four days of our trip were spent in Roma (Rome). I enjoyed seeing all the history and art in Rome. There were fountains everywhere! And sculptures and beautiful buildings and open plazas. St. Peter's and the Vatican were so cool to see. We even saw the pope while we were standing around outside St. Peter's! It was All Saints day so the Pope opened his window way up high and gave a blessing in different languages. Though he was just a little speck in the window, it was pretty neat to see and hear such a significant person. Another highlight was seeing the Sistine Chapel. Sure, waiting in line for 3 hours was not fun, but being able to stare up at Michelangelo's handiwork was phenomenal. While we were waiting in the line of people that streached for what had to be almost a half mile long, I was struck by the fact that all these people (the Vatican gets thousands of visitors per day) were waiting in line to see art and ultimatly Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. From an art major perspective: How cool is that?!

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