Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I went to one of the largest department stores in the world yesterday. After class a group of us went to explore (and get lost in- for real!) the 5 large floors of consumerism called Harrods. And if some of you have something like JCPenny's in mind, think bigger, much bigger and think of overly-super expensive lines like Prada and Gucci. Harrods is so big that there are a couple of restaurants on each floor, a supermarket, carpet store, a huge department of chocolate (oh, yes!) and even a pet shop! (There are actually over 330 departments in Harrods.) My favorite parts were the Christmas department because it was so good to hear Christmas music again and I also loved the Tiffany & Co. department because of all the gorgeous diamonds. One of the massive rings we looked at cost 105,000 pounds! Which would be a rock that would be priced at about $210,000 in the US... yikes! Needless to say, I did not purchase anything at Harrods because I think I would prefer to have money to eat for the rest of the time I am in London instead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just realized I hadn't posted on this one yet! GASP!!!

cool....jealous! I want to go to a huge-ish dept store!!! Did you buy me a blender?