Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Public Transportation...hmmm

Wednesday, 11am. I think that would be around 5am your (central) time.

Hello all! Thanks again for reading this blog. I really appreciate your curiosity for what I am doing here in London. This week is focused on orientation and meetings. Which is great because I want to learn all I can about how to maneuver this city and get the most out of my experience! Speaking of experiences... the other day a fellow NWC student, Kara, and I decided to set of for this slightly obscure address we had for London's International Student House. So we walked, and walked, and walked and finally found it. After looking around the Intl. Student House for awhile we decided to have mercy on our feet and take the tube back to Vandon House. As we walked into the underground station, we heard yells that, "The last train to Victoria leaves in a few minutes!" That's us! So we ran and raced down the escalator only to be greeted by an orange-vested worker proclaiming that, "The Victoria train has departed and there will be no more south-bound trains today." Great! The director, Eric, had told us that there was a possibility of a tube strike today, but it was unlikely to actually happen. The union did go on strike and the tube was at a standstill. Kara and I were very north of home and our only way of going south now was by bus. Ahh, but to figure out the bus system... What is the colorful, lined, and numbered map trying to tell me? We did end up finding our bus stop and got on. Relief! We were heading in the right direction. But wait! The bus driver then said that this bus was being... terminated? Everyone piled off and we had to wait on the pavement for another bus. When we did get on another bus it was packed with people--with more getting on at each stop! The streets were lined with people waiting to catch their rides home. It was incredible to see how important public transportation is to Londoners. Without the tube running, everyone was stranded and waiting for alternatives to get home.

Kara and I had our little adventure with public transportation on Monday. As I write this it is Wednesday and the tube workers are still on strike. Hopefully the strike will end today or tomorrow because it is much harder to get around without it! Though there is always walking. Yesterday our group went on a walking tour lead by this great British tour guide/actor. He showed us around our part of the city explaining the history and important buildings. My favorite points of interest was the Spencer residence where Princess Diana grew up, a very old hat shop, Parliament, and Westminster Abbey. I am thrilled to be around so much history and buildings that are so old and gorgeous.

I don't have anything going on today as far as the program is concerned. I hope to go to an art museum or explore a park. News that brings me great joy: most of the art museums are FREE! How perfect is that?
Until next time, amy

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Wow Amy, that's kind of hilarious. At least you didn't lose your passport! ;)

Have you listened to English music? Is it much different from Pop over here? How is their fashion sense?

Luv ya hon!
