Monday, November 5, 2007

Tonight we had a fun girls' night with the Westminster Chapel gals. Every month they have a girlie night at someone's flat and tonight the Amerians hosted! You Northwestern people, Fern girls especially, will be pleased to know that we taught our British friends to play Nerts (aka Dutch Blitz)! The Brits loved the fast paced card game and were very good for first timers. It was so cute when they got angry or missed a chance to lay a card! Just try to picture someone with an English accent angry over a card game... very amusing. :)


Unknown said...

Whats this about Northwestern ppl being excited about Nerts? I am very dissappointed.....hmpf ;)
Sounds like fun! lets hear about that Trip!!!

heartforhugs said...

haha so good! i love it! when are you going to share about your travels over break? :) glad to hear you are having fun!!!

Amy said...

Ok, ok! I'll give Nerts to the B-towners too! :)